These 3D knitted curtains can be made in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes, perfect to break up a room and even absorb sound as acoustic Plectere curtains. There is a growing trend in office spaces for work pods and this is a great transparent option without leaving a piece of the room entirely closed off. They are typically hung from the ceiling using wood frames and modular tubing.

Chinese design studio Buzao's latest furniture pieces were launched at Design Shanghai in March 2019, the Null and Hot Collections. The Null, featuring a transparent blue-toned glass, with stability, calmness and rationality in mind. While Hot Collection is psychedelic.
Another one by Buzao, [pronounced Bu-tsao] represents the young, rebellious and spirited. This collection of Lava Stone storage containers that can also be used as a vase or plant container. They come in 5 different sizes and add a nice modern touch to any space.